AI Meme Camera Privacy Policy


Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This privacy policy outlines the way the AI Meme Camera app ("we," "our," or "us") handles your data, ensuring that your personal information remains secure and protected.

Data Collection and Use

We do not collect or store any personal data on our servers.

Our app requires camera access to take photos and generate personalized meme captions. By granting camera access, you allow the app to capture and edit images for your enjoyment. The face data collected by the app is used solely for creating meme captions and is not shared with any third parties.

Data Retention

Your face data is retained only as long as necessary to create your custom memes. After the meme generation process is completed, your data is automatically deleted from our servers.

Third-Party Sharing

We do not share any face data or images with third parties. All data remains local to your device and is not transmitted to external parties or services.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we encourage you to review the policy periodically to stay informed about our privacy practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or our data handling practices, please contact us at: